Made for


An easy and automated way to grow your wealth ethically!

Invest in the best-performing ETFs with true impact on the planet! You get a long-term diversified investment plan with portfolio management and transparent costs.

Open portfolio for yourself or for your kids →
  1. Recognized

    Grünfin nominated for best sustainable investment solution in Germany Fintech Awards 2022.

    Grünfin won best sustainable innovation in Baltic Sustainability Awards 2021.

  2. Protected

    Your investments are protected up to 20 000 EUR via European Investor Compensation Schema.

    We are a licensed and regulated financial institution.

    Your assets are held with Swedbank and State Street.

  3. Trusted

    Thousands of people have trusted Grünfin and opt to invest with us for years.

    Certified B Corporation (March, 2024)

    Our customers love our product

Certfied B Corporation

Grünfin is now a Certified B Corporation! Read more →

I’d love for Grünfin to be the best – not the best in the world, but the best for the world.

Karin Nemec, co-founder of Grünfin

We focus solely on sustainable investing and have superb expertise

  1. In media

    Founders Story #4 Unlocking Entrepreneurial Success: The Key Skills & Qualities You Need

  2. In media

    10 ambitious European fintechs that secured funding during the economic crisis so far in 2023

  3. Blog

    Grünfin’s Values & Approach on Sustainability and Impact

  4. In media

    Credit Suisse investor rebellion over climate action grows ahead of annual meeting

  5. In media

    Here's the 13-slide pitch deck Grunfin, a startup that lets retail investors back sustainable funds, used to raise $2.3 million

  6. In media

    Female-founded Estonian-German startup Grünfin raises €2M for its new sustainable investing platform

  7. Blog

    What is Shareholder Activism and Activist investor?

  8. In media

    Credit Suisse investor rebellion over climate action grows ahead of annual meeting

  9. In media

    Five of Europe’s largest banks are under fire from investors for financing the fossil fuel industry

  10. Blog

    Gift investments

  11. In media

    Estonian VC Superangel annouced new €50m fund

  12. In media

    Baltic startups to watch in 2022

  13. Listen to

    Investor Story: Triin Hertmann

  14. Listen to

    Restart: Grünfini roheliste investeeringute tõus on alles alguses

  15. In media

    Triin Hertmann: SVB krahh tõi USA idufirmadesse suure paanika

  16. In media

    Grünfini juht: roheinvesteeringutest ei ole ühelgi investoril pääsu

  17. In media

    Kopsaka rahasüsti saanud Grünfin tuli välja investeerimisplaaniga ettevõtetele

  18. Listen to

    Kuidas mõjuinvesteeringutega turge edastada

  19. In media

    Triin Hertmann roheteemadest Euroopas - sellel pole puukallistamise maiku enam juures

  20. Listen to

    Milliseid hüvesid hindavad töötajad kõige rohkem?

  21. In media

    Triin Hertmann: Mul on kahju neist, kel saab poole aasta pealt raha otsa

  22. Blog

    Gift investments

  23. In media

    Kuidas jõuluvana kingikotti poetada mõned aktsiad?

  24. In media

    Fractory lõi käed Grünfiniga, et luua töötajate lapsi toetav investeerimislahendus

  25. In media

    Wall Streeti veteran: kuidas pulliturgu mitte maha magada?

  26. Listen to

    Milliseid hüvesid hindavad töötajad kõige rohkem?

  27. Blog

    Kui 40% töötajatest ei hooli olemasolevatest hüvedest, siis mis hüve neid kõnetaks?

  28. Listen to

    Karin Nemec & Merje Kärner — Kuidas personaliseerida hüvepakette?

  29. In media

    Grünfin: Neues Fintech für nachhaltige Investments

  30. In media

    Nachhaltig Weihnachtenfeiern

  31. Blog

    Haben Sie genug von unnützen Geschenken?

  32. In media

    Habe den Mut, etwas zu verändern und zu handeln

  33. Blog

    Was sind Activist Investor und Shareholder Activism?

  34. In media

    So lohnt sich nachhaltiges Investieren auch in der Krise

  35. Blog

    Impact investing, nachhaltig investieren und grün investieren – was sind die Unterschiede?

  1. In media

    Grünfin: Neues Fintech für nachhaltige Investments

  2. In media

    Nachhaltig Weihnachtenfeiern

  3. Blog

    Haben Sie genug von unnützen Geschenken?

  4. In media

    Habe den Mut, etwas zu verändern und zu handeln

  5. Blog

    Was sind Activist Investor und Shareholder Activism?

  6. In media

    So lohnt sich nachhaltiges Investieren auch in der Krise

  7. Blog

    Impact investing, nachhaltig investieren und grün investieren – was sind die Unterschiede?

  8. In media

    Founders Story #4 Unlocking Entrepreneurial Success: The Key Skills & Qualities You Need

  9. In media

    10 ambitious European fintechs that secured funding during the economic crisis so far in 2023

  10. Blog

    Grünfin’s Values & Approach on Sustainability and Impact

  11. In media

    Credit Suisse investor rebellion over climate action grows ahead of annual meeting

  12. In media

    Here's the 13-slide pitch deck Grunfin, a startup that lets retail investors back sustainable funds, used to raise $2.3 million

  13. In media

    Female-founded Estonian-German startup Grünfin raises €2M for its new sustainable investing platform

  14. Blog

    What is Shareholder Activism and Activist investor?

  15. In media

    Credit Suisse investor rebellion over climate action grows ahead of annual meeting

  16. In media

    Five of Europe’s largest banks are under fire from investors for financing the fossil fuel industry

  17. Blog

    Gift investments

  18. In media

    Estonian VC Superangel annouced new €50m fund

  19. In media

    Baltic startups to watch in 2022

  20. Listen to

    Investor Story: Triin Hertmann

  21. Listen to

    Restart: Grünfini roheliste investeeringute tõus on alles alguses

  22. In media

    Triin Hertmann: SVB krahh tõi USA idufirmadesse suure paanika

  23. In media

    Grünfini juht: roheinvesteeringutest ei ole ühelgi investoril pääsu

  24. In media

    Kopsaka rahasüsti saanud Grünfin tuli välja investeerimisplaaniga ettevõtetele

  25. Listen to

    Kuidas mõjuinvesteeringutega turge edastada

  26. In media

    Triin Hertmann roheteemadest Euroopas - sellel pole puukallistamise maiku enam juures

  27. Listen to

    Milliseid hüvesid hindavad töötajad kõige rohkem?

  28. In media

    Triin Hertmann: Mul on kahju neist, kel saab poole aasta pealt raha otsa

  29. Blog

    Gift investments

  30. In media

    Kuidas jõuluvana kingikotti poetada mõned aktsiad?

  31. In media

    Fractory lõi käed Grünfiniga, et luua töötajate lapsi toetav investeerimislahendus

  32. In media

    Wall Streeti veteran: kuidas pulliturgu mitte maha magada?

  33. Listen to

    Milliseid hüvesid hindavad töötajad kõige rohkem?

  34. Blog

    Kui 40% töötajatest ei hooli olemasolevatest hüvedest, siis mis hüve neid kõnetaks?

  35. Listen to

    Karin Nemec & Merje Kärner — Kuidas personaliseerida hüvepakette?

Theory of change:
towards sustainable future

Our planet is saved if we lower greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050. We'll still need today's industries in the future, but they must be more sustainable.

Large companies are big emitters, so pressuring them to accelerate change — innovate, implement new technologies — is key to a sustainable future.

Solving climate change requires everybody doing their part.

Money alongside a technology and entrepreneurship mindset are key in driving to a carbon neutral world.

Key milestones in the pathway to net zero

Source: Internal Energy Agency

Investment philosophy
ETF with impact

Grünfin's investment philosophy is to make sustainable investing easy, smart and more impactful. Our investment principles include diversification, a long-term horizon, continuous investing and low cost in addition to sustainability.

Grünfin screens 341.000 funds across 26 criteria. Safe keeping your assets is our top priority. For real impact, we engage with large companies to drive them towards ethical and sustainable change. A key goal is to grow wealth earning market-based returns while making a positive impact on the world.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is my money safe in Grünfin?

At Grünfin, the safekeeping of your assets is our top priority.

We are regulated as an investment firm by the Estonian Financial Supervision and Resolution Authority. The license allows us to provide securities portfolio management services for clients and securities custody and management services as an ancillary service, and to provide related activities in the European Economic Area.

Your investments are protected by the Investor Compensation Scheme for up to 20 000 EUR.

Your funds are always kept separate from our company's assets, providing an additional layer of security.

Most importantly, the assets in your Grünfin portfolio are always yours. You have the freedom to sell your investments and withdraw your money whenever you need to.

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Where does Grünfin invest my funds?

We set up a personalised Grünfin portfolio based on your values and financial goals. Our team of experts carefully selects sustainable exchange-traded funds (ETFs) to your portfolio, considering the larger impact on people and the planet.

We screen, analyse and rate the best sustainable funds worldwide to build your portfolio without preferring any single service provider, so you can earn market-based returns while making a positive impact on the world.

Your portfolio is highly diversified not just within industries, but also across countries and, exposed to many large, global companies ranking highly in sustainability matters.

We actively monitor the market and review our selection of sustainable ETFs on quarterly basis. If there are new and better sustainable ETFs available that meet our sophisticated criteria, we can add them to Grünfin portfolios or make replacements over time.

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What returns can I expect from sustainable investments?

One of the main concerns for investors is if they’re sacrificing profit for sustainability.

The answer is no. The performance of sustainable investment funds is similar conventional funds.

Sustainable investing is a way of future-investing and in a number of reports, sustainable funds also show better historical performance.

Moreover, we strongly believe that sustainable companies are well-positioned for long-term success due to lower risks, increasing customer demand, and innovative solutions.

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